5 Social Media Influencers Who Have Transformed Their Smiles with Veneers

June 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowellsimply @ 7:18 pm
Woman posting video to social media account outside

A decade ago, the job title “social media influencer” simply didn’t exist. Now, it’s a sought-after position that comes with brand collaborations, tons of free products, fun meetups, and celebrity friends. Since the ability to take a great photo is basically a job requirement for these stars, it’s not surprising that so many have chosen to transform their smile with veneers. With this in mind, read on to learn five social media influencers with veneers!


Why Do My Teeth Hurt More at Night?

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowellsimply @ 4:24 am
patient suffering from a toothache

Have you ever suffered a toothache that seemed to become worse at nighttime? Needless to say, this can make it quite difficult to get a good night’s rest—and sometimes the cause isn’t clear at all! Here’s more from your emergency dentist about some of the common causes for tooth pain worsening during nighttime, along with some tips for addressing it and getting back to bed!


Worried That Your Dentist Will Judge You? Here’s Why They Won’t

April 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowellsimply @ 6:38 pm
Female dentist smiling during dental checkup

Unfortunately, there’s an unpleasant cycle of shame and dental care that many patients fall into. Since they are worried about judgment from their dentist, they skip their visits; because they skip their visits, their oral health declines, creating an even bigger fear of going to the dentist. If you’ve found yourself in this trap, it’s important to remember one very crucial piece of information: your dentist doesn’t judge you. Here’s why.

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